Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Here's a little quiz dealing with the language of writing and being a writer. Answers appear at the end. 

When proofreading, AWK stands for

When proofreading, POV stands for

When proofreading, LS stands for

Widows and Orphans are

deus ex machina is

Beats are 

C-E stands for

Dénouement is

Grawlix is  

The Black Moment is

Now try your hand at these True of False statements:

1. Dialogue has 13 functions (or more)

2. Internalizations are not dialogue

3. Exposition is telling not showing

4. A plot and theme go hand in hand

5. A flashback is a short look at what happened in the backstory and is presented in the now of the story

6. A vignette is a short story


When proofreading, AWK stands for Awkward. That is, the text did not make sense, forcing the reader to stop reading and enjoying the story to reread and puzzle out — and guess — what the writer meant. Another type of AWK is where sentences were joined together (by "and" or semicolons or colons) to the point of the reader being uncertain what was happening or going on or who was doing what to whom.

POV stands for Point of View

When proofreading, LS stands for Long Sentence. An average sentence is considered 20 words. Any sentence exceeding 30 words should be looked at for being awkward (AWK) or a run-on or a convoluted sentence.

Widows are one line from the previous page stranded at the top of the next page. Orphans are one to three words stranded on one line at the end of a paragraph (often changing one "big" word to a simpler "smaller" word will free up that line for better use.

Deus ex machina is an unexpected character who appears in the climax to solve the story and save the hero and heroine. Reader don't like it when someone other than the Protagonist solves the story problem or is resued.

Beats are bits of stage business or actions interspersed throughout a scene, often involving physical gestures, like pouring a glass of wine or walking into or out of a room.

C-E stands for Cause and Effect (often C-E is skewed or elements of the logical straightforward sequence of events or actions are missing).

Dénouement is the final resolution of the main story's problem.

 Grawlix is that bunch of swearing symbols: "£$%*>#!

The Black Moment is when the Protagonist faces off with the Antagonist in the story's climax.

True of False:

1. Dialogue has 13 functions (or more) TRUE

2. Internalizations are not dialogue FALSE - internalizations are dialogue that is not spoken out loud

3. Exposition is telling not showing TRUE

4. A plot and theme go hand in hand TRUE

5. A flashback is a short look at what happened in the backstory and is presented in the now of the story FALSE - a flashback is a long look back, a full-blown scene).

6. A vignette is a short story FALSE (Vignettes are "slices of life").

How did you do? Did you cheat and look at the answers while doing the quiz?

***Feel free to share this quiz with other writers.***

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