Saturday, July 1, 2017

July - The Greatest Pronoun Reference Error

Writing is an act of faith, not a trick of grammar. — E. B. White

It is what it is or is it?

Let's get one thing straight about the use of pronouns when writing fiction:  A pronoun refers back to the LAST USED NOUN.

Pronouns are valuable because they substitute for repeating a noun or name over and over again, but you don't have to go overboard using pronouns. Too many he, she, or it pronouns can pepper pages and at some point, and on a subconscious level, those repetitions will turn a good story into a not-so-good story for the reader.

In your revision process (you do have one, right?), make a special pass to check the pronouns you've put on your pages. What do they actually refer to? Remember, clarity trumps all rules and, therefore, you can repeat a noun-name. Again, it's better to rewrite for clarity then adhere to the strict rules of grammar.

As to the pronoun that causes the greatest problems? That would be the word it. Here are examples where it needs more clarity:

    A)  He saw it hesitate when it turned its head. Although it looked exactly like a bird of paradise, it was not.

There are 5 repetitions of it. If you've been following this blog, you also know there are a couple of other problems with the sentences. I won't elaborate because this post is about pronouns. You can, however, leave a comment if you know what else went wrong in these sentences.

    B) The wound still bleeds. Should I put it out of its misery?

I'd like to see someone put a wound out of its misery, wouldn't you?

    C)     The wind ruffled his hair as it blew in from the ocean.
Personally, I've never seen hair blow in from an ocean. 

As you can see, it is not about what a writer means, it's about using the correct words to clarify and help a reader form an image in their mind. 

***The topic for August is Common English Simplified?



Janet said...

Thanks for the funny examples, Catherine. I'll try to edit example A. First,the cause and effect is incorrect. "It" can't hesitate and turn at the same time. Second, the last 'it' refers to the bird of paradise making the ending of the sentence a contradiction. The writing tells rather than shows and uses passive rather than active verbs. These last two are boring, not wrong.

Catherine said...

Thanks for stopping by Janet and for your feedback. It is appreciated. I also hope you enjoy your 4th of July. Have a great day.